Our Story

The Utah Native American Chamber of Commerce, headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT, is passionately dedicated to empowering Native American entrepreneurs and fostering the prosperity of our diverse indigenous businesses. Our decision-making process is rooted in comprehensive empirical studies and meticulous data evaluation. We are committed to building strong relationships and creating a positive impact for all Indigenous individuals in Utah.
We extend our services to all cities in Utah, including reservations, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities that exist in each community. As a non-profit (501c6) organization, we provide a vital platform specifically designed for Native American entrepreneurs to showcase their businesses, connect with corporations, and serve as a liaison on tribal economic development issues. Our commitment extends to offering top-notch resources, training, and networking opportunities tailored to the unique needs of Native American business owners.
We extend a warm welcome to all Native American and Non-Native entrepreneurs across the state to join us in this collective journey of empowerment and collaboration!
Our Mission
Our mission is to champion the needs of Native American businesses and to be a preeminent leader in fostering economic success for Indigenous American-owned businesses. In line with our commitment, we strive to amplify the voices of Native American entrepreneurs, advocate for their unique needs, and work towards creating an environment conducive to their economic growth and prosperity.
Much like other chambers of commerce, we aim to be a powerful force in driving economic success for our community. By fostering collaboration, providing essential resources, and advocating for policies that benefit Native American businesses, we seek to emulate the role played by mainstream chambers of commerce. Our vision encompasses becoming a respected and influential entity that not only supports but also champions the diverse array of businesses owned by Indigenous Americans.
In essence, our Native American Chamber of Commerce aspires to mirror the goals and impact of traditional chambers, with a specific focus on advancing the economic success of Native American businesses.

Our Leaders
Committed to the Cause

Chelsey Nez
Ceo and President
Vicky Blackie
Vice President
Lee Herbert
Board Member